Accepting Change
We just rounded the corner on a decade of this millennia. Time is going too fast for me. The older I get, the harder it is to keep up. After reflecting on a few things from the past decade, it isn’t a surprise that it is hard to hold on during the roller coaster of life. Things that existed in 2010 are now obsolete or replaced with something newer, faster and shinier.
Seasonal Goals
The school year is here! How in the world did that happen? Every summer seems to go faster than the one before it.
When Joy Isn’t the Answer
In a world where we have instant access to people, on-demand access to food delivery, and virtual assistance we aren’t happy. Stop throughout the day and ask yourself, am I happy? What more do I need to be happy? What am I doing today to lead to happiness?
Fear of Being Lazy (FOBL)
What is holding you back from taking time for yourself? This time of year, preparation for the holidays can be the reason you don’t do things you enjoy. In all honesty, isn’t it like this all year long? A list of tasks and goals to be achieved for someone other than yourself. I’m not saying that you don’t benefit as well. There is usually a sense of satisfaction when you do something for someonse else and there is often a mutual benefit.